

  • 4个单位
  • 可转让的
  • 仅限字母等级
  • AA- t /AA/AS学位要求

英语是一门外语。 可转换的大学水平英语课程. 培养学生 先进的 阅读、写作和批判性思维能力.


  • 阅读和分析长篇书籍
  • Synthesizing ideas from multiple sources as you write an essay
  • 在导师的支持下进行研究


  • Have solid experience reading books and writing academic essays (from high school 或大学课程)
  • Have effective strategies for annotating a text and separating out main points from details
  • 是否知道如何引用和引用文本
  • Are comfortable reading 50-75 pages per week or feel ready 为了挑战
  • Are comfortable writing essays of 1500 words (5-7 pages, double-spaced) or feel ready 为了挑战

英语1是一门可转换的大学水平英语课程. 这是所有人都需要的 certificates and AA-T/AA/AS degrees and is offered for a letter grade only. 类 earns 4个单位, and helps students develop 先进的 reading, writing, and critical 思维能力. Students work with full-length books, synthesize multiple sources in their writing, and conduct research, with the support of the instructor. 它是 常被:

  • students who have solid experience reading books and writing academic essays (from 高中或大学课程).
  • students who have effective strategies for annotating a text and separating out main 从细节出发.
  • students who understand MLA conventions of quoting and citing text.
  • 能够适应每周阅读50-75页的学生.
  • students who are comfortable writing essays of 1500 words (5-7 pages, typed).

Students who would benefit from extra support while completing 英语1, may enroll in the FREE non-credit class, 英语 215: Support with Writing and Reading.

Some sections of 英语1 will be offered with an attached 英语 215, taught by 同一个教练. Students will enroll in both courses, but the noncredit class 是免费的.

特殊的程序 will also offer 英语 215 as support for their students taking 英文:

The following is a short excerpt from the text 《ag体育》,” by James Baldwin 

Let’s begin by saying that we are living through a very dangerous time. 每个人都在 这个房间或多或少都意识到了这一点. 我们正处于革命时期, no matter how unpopular that word has become in this country. 这个社会 we live is desperately menaced, not by Khrushchev, but from within. 致任何公民 of this country who figures himself as responsible – and particularly those of you who deal with the minds and hearts of young people – must be prepared to “go for broke.” Or to put it another way, you must understand that in the attempt to correct so many generations of bad faith and cruelty, when it is operating not only in the classroom but in society, you will meet the most fantastic, the most brutal, and the most determined 电阻. 假装这不会发生是没有意义的. 既然我在说话 to schoolteachers and I am not a teacher myself, and in some ways am fairly easily intimidated, I beg you to let me leave that and go back to what I think to be the 教育的全部目的. 在我看来,当我还是个孩子的时候 is born, if I’m the child’s parent, it is my obligation and my high duty to civilize 那个孩子. 人是群居动物. 没有社会,人就无法生存. 一个社会, in turn, depends on certain things which everyone within that society takes for granted. Now the crucial paradox which confronts us here is that the whole process of education occurs within a social framework and is designed to perpetuate the aims of society. Thus, for example, the boys and girls who were born during the era of the Third Reich, when educated to the purposes of the Third Reich, became barbarians. 的悖论 education is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious one begins to 检查他接受教育的社会. 教育的目的,最后, is to create in a person the ability to look at the world for himself, to make his own decisions, to say to himself this is black or this is white, to decide for himself 是否有上帝在天上. 问一些ag体育宇宙的问题,然后 learn to live with those questions, is the way he achieves his own identity. 但是没有 society is really anxious to have that kind of person around. 什么是真正的社会, ideally, want is a citizenry which will simply obey the rules of society. 如果一个社会 成功于此,那社会就要灭亡了. 每一个思考的人的义务 of himself as responsible is to examine society and try to change it and to fight 不管有什么风险. 这是社会唯一的希望. 这是唯一的办法 社会变化. 

詹姆斯·鲍德温. 《ag体育》.1963年10月16日,以《ag体育》为题发表 – His Self Image”; originally published in 星期六评论, 1963年12月21日,转载于 《ag体育》圣马丁,1985年.

教育 & 制度化的不平等:论文#1

Write a 5-7 page argumentative essay, based on the topic below. 支持你的论文 and related claims with sufficient evidence drawn from the full-length text We Gon' Be Alright, the essay “A Talk with Teachers,” and at least one additional course reading. Plan to integrate a minimum of 8 quotes from the reading into your argument. 引号 may be used as support for your claims or as definitions of key terms. 

Use MLA 8 guidelines to format the citations and the document (12 point New Times 罗马字体,边距1英寸,双倍行距).

Over the last several weeks, we discussed how education has been used as a tool of 同化. We have noticed how schools encourage students and communities to uphold 维持现状,从而再现系统性的不平等. 我们也读过一些方法 individuals and educators resist 同化 and see schooling as an opportunity 挑战不平等. 

In your essay, develop a synthesized argument based on the following questions: 

What are the most significant real and/or perceived barriers in the education system and how do these barriers contribute to systemic inequality? 有哪些 most effective strategies for resisting 同化 and/or challenging inequality 通过教育?


  • 我们会好起来的杰夫·张(必选)
  • 詹姆斯·鲍德温的《ag体育》(必选)
  • "Theories of Inequality" handout with excerpts from Mario Barrera
  • “谁的文化有资本??——塔拉·J. Yosso
  • 保罗·戈尔斯基的《ag体育》
  • 约翰·贝尔的《压迫的四个I