Upcoming English Courses

2023-2024 Academic Year Literature and Creative Writing Classes

以下是我们文学和创意写作课程的时间表 the 2023-2024 academic year. This list does NOT include our core composition courses (ENGL 1, 4A, 7A), which are offered in multiple sections every semester. Note that some literature courses are offered only every other year. Please contact English Faculty Homeira Foth hfoth@yn17car.com for questions about schedules. See below for complete class descriptions and information:

Fall 2023 Literature and Creative Writing Courses

(注:请参阅下面每门课程的具体描述和时间表信息 the list.)

  • English 11 A/B/C: Introduction to Creative Writing (EVENING or ONLINE)
  • English 12 A/B: Craft of Writing: Fiction (IN-PERSON)
  • English 22: Mexican American/Latinx Literature of the U.S. (HYBRID)
  • English 32: U.S. Women's Literature (ONLINE)
  • English 35: Modern and Contemporary U.S. Literature (IN-PERSON)
  • 英语45:小说研究:英雄、恶棍和反英雄(HYBRID)
  • English 48: Literature of the Holocaust (IN-PERSON)

English 11 A/B/C: Creative Writing

Colorful designs coming out of inkpen tip.

英语11A/B/C是一门有趣而充满活力的课程,可以让你探索自己的写作能力 voice in a safe and supportive community. We'll complete exercises in both poetry 小说可以帮助你发展你的技能,拓展你的想象力. All levels of experience are welcome!

*Register for English 11A if you have never taken the course; register for 11B if you are taking the course for the second time; register for 11C if you are taking the course for the third time.

English 11A/B/C is offered in two ways:

  • In-Person, Tuesday, 7:00-9:50pm
  • Online with no required on-campus meetings. Course does not meet on specific days and times.

Instructor: Theresa Puckett, tpuckett@yn17car.com

English 12 A/B: The Craft of Writing: Fiction

Mural of drummer in half day half night

讲故事是一种古老的艺术形式,传统上由最敏锐的人传承下来 一个社区的成员,那些生来就会编造可能性故事的人.  We all have stories inside ourselves to share. In this class, we’ll mine our minds for the stories we need to pass on. We’ll write short pieces of fiction filled with rich characters and lively settings. We’ll read stories by writers who have added their own unique stamp, their own musical voices into this ancient art. Expect to write 定期在一个支持性的写作研讨会上分享你的草稿.  No previous experience with writing fiction is required.

Tuesday/Thursday, 1:00pm-2:15pm

Instructor: Carmen Johnston cjohnston@yn17car.com

English 22: Mexican American/Latinx Literature of the U.S.

Photograph of mural on Mi Tierra Foods in Berkeley

来阅读迷人的短篇小说、诗歌和用英语和英语写成的独幕剧吧 Spanglish by Chicanx and other Latinx writers in the U.S. Discover what these texts 能给我们展示一下移民和传统家庭的复杂性吗 角色和责任,宗教,种族主义,导航语言,开垦 land and identity, and shaking free of gender role expectations. No pre-requisite. 这门课非常适合主修民族研究、西班牙语或英语的学生, as well as anyone with a personal interest in the subject. ¡Bienvenidos! 

Tuesday, 1:30-3:05pm and online

Instructor: Shoshanna Tenn, stenn@yn17car.com

English 32: U.S. Women's Literature

Online with no required on-campus meetings. Course does not meet on specific days and times.

Instructor: Theresa Puckett, tpuckett@yn17car.com

English 35: Modern and Contemporary American Literature

Collage by Romare Bearden, The Street (1964)

探索作为美国人意味着什么,以及书写美国意味着什么:熙熙攘攘 城市,白雪覆盖的乡村道路,家庭戏剧,政治丑闻,战争创伤, manners, brutality, songs of self and the nation. Students will survey the literary 现实主义时期,哈莱姆文艺复兴时期,现代主义时期,后现代主义时期和作家时期 比如伊迪丝·沃顿、兰斯顿·休斯、尤金·奥尼尔、欧内斯特·海明威、托妮·莫里森, and more. Required for the English AAT Degree (Associate in Arts for Transfer).

Monday/Wednesday, 1:00-2:15 p.m.

Instructor: Mark Anderson, manderson@yn17car.com

English 45: Studies in Fiction-Heroes, Villains, and Antiheroes

Panel from Watchmen comic.

在这门课上,我们将回顾那些把我们拉向故事的叙事元素 ag体育英雄,吸引我们的是反派,以及为什么反英雄会在道德上拉扯 dilemmas we grapple with internally. Come tap into all of the reasons why you love 像这样的故事,以及为什么小说只是我们所有人的延伸-或者可以 be.

Tuesday, 10:30-11:45 a.m. and online

Instructor: Landon Smith lasmith@yn17car.com

English 48: Literature of the Holocaust

Art Spiegelman, Self-Portrait With Maus Mask, 1989

在《ag体育》中,我们将阅读并思考作家和电影制作人如何 试图描述大屠杀的经历和遗产——第二次世界大战 genocide of Jews by the Nazis. How do people try to write about such terrifying, horrible REAL experiences? Graphic novels, autobiography, poetry, short story, and films try to figure it out! We will also think about how the Holocaust and Holocaust Literature 与其他种族灭绝和压迫有关——尤其是美国历史 白人对印度人和黑人的至上主义实际上影响了希特勒.

Monday/Wednesday, 10:30-11:45 a.m. 

Instructor: Simon Abramowitsch, sabramowitsch@yn17car.com

Spring 2024 Literature and Creative Writing Courses

(注:类列表正确,但春季2024完整的细节和信息的每一个 course TBD.)

Spring 2024:

  • English 11 A/B/C: Introduction to Creative Writing (ONLINE)
  • English 12 A/B: Craft of Writing: Fiction (TBD)
  • English 13 A/B: Craft of Writing: Poetry (IN-PERSON)
  • English 20: Shakespeare (IN-PERSON)
  • English 21: Evolution of the Black Writer (HYBRID)
  • English 25: Asian American Literature (IN-PERSON)
  • English 31: Gay and Lesbian Literature (ONLINE)
  • English 41: World Literature (IN-PERSON)

English 11 A/B/C: Introduction to Creative Writing

Art of color coing from pen

Online class

Instructor: Theresa Puckett, tpuckett@yn17car.com

英语11A/B/C是一门有趣而充满活力的课程,可以让你探索自己的写作能力 voice in a safe and supportive community. We'll complete exercises in both poetry 小说可以帮助你发展你的技能,拓展你的想象力. All levels of experience are welcome!

*Register for English 11A if you have never taken the course; register for 11B if you are taking the course for the second time; register for 11C if you are taking the course for the third time.

English 12 A/B: The Craft of Writing: Fiction

Mural of drummer in half day half night

Meets In-Person: Tu 7:00pm-9:50pm; Bldg 400, Room 455

Instructor: Theresa Puckett, tpuckett@yn17car.com

讲故事是一种古老的艺术形式,传统上由最敏锐的人传承下来 一个社区的成员,那些生来就会编造可能性故事的人.  We all have stories inside ourselves to share. In this class, we’ll mine our minds for the stories we need to pass on. We’ll write short pieces of fiction filled with rich characters and lively settings. We’ll read stories by writers like David Wong Louie, 爱丽丝·沃克,兰斯顿·休斯,蒂姆·奥布莱恩,桑德拉·西斯内罗斯,以及其他伟大的人 在这门古老的艺术中加入了自己独特的印记,自己的音乐声音. 期望定期写作,并在一个支持性的写作研讨会上分享你的草稿 ritual.  No previous experience with writing fiction is required.

English 13 A/B: The Craft of Writing: Poetry

Mural depicting woman letting birds free from cages

(图片来源:Kristy Sandoval的壁画“去殖民化”,由Richard Vogel为Mic拍摄)


Instructor: Tobey Kaplan, tkaplan@yn17car.com

在大变革的时代,诗人在记录平凡生活的同时,释放出神奇的世界. 它们教会我们消化困难的经历,培养我们充满希望的抵抗力. They ground us in the beauty of a beehive or the wisdom of our ancestors.

 如果你好奇诗人是如何创造这样的魔力,或者如果你有未完成的歌词 还有写在笔记本上的秘密诗歌,那么英语13A/B就是为你准备的. We will 读艺术家的诗,比如尼基·乔瓦尼,Martín埃斯帕达,凯文·杨,朱利安·兰德尔, Mayda del Valle, Danez Smith, and Joy Harjo. We will write daily to play with poetic 技巧,我们将在一个支持性的写作研讨会仪式上分享我们的草稿.  到学期结束时,你的口袋里会有几首诗和一张清单 如果你想在开放式麦克风上表演或把诗歌寄出去发表,你可以使用这些策略. No previous experience with writing poetry required. 

English 20: Studies in Shakespeare

Image of William Shakespeare with sunglasses

Meets In-Person: TBD

Instructor: Clara Mclean cmclean@yn17car.com

你想要阅读、讨论、表演和理解一些英国文学作品吗 most treasured works? Want to have fun AND impress thy friends?

English 21: Evolution of the Black Writer

Meets In-Person: TBD

Instructor: Landon Smith, lasmith@yn17car.com

在这门课上,我们将探索和庆祝从18世纪到现在的黑人作家, 在历史背景下思考他们的艺术和思想——美国革命; slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction; Jim Crow and the Great Migration; the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements; the post-civil rights era and the Movement for Black Lives. We will read poetry, autobiography, fiction, and watch plays and films.

English 31: Gay and Lesbian Literature

Brian Kenny mural celebrating Stonewall Riots


Online class

Instructor: Michael Langdon, mlangdon@yn17car.com

LGBTQI+人群在整个人类历史上一直在写作,但直到最近才有 queerness of many of our greatest writers been acknowledged. In this class, we will examine queer literature in the context of queer history. After first assessing this LGBTQI+历史上最重要的时刻,阅读一些当代酷儿作家,我们会这样做 时间旅行,看看LGBTQI+从古代到现在的经历 现在,学习各种各样的酷儿运动,这些运动把我们带到了现在 时刻,阅读一些由这些运动产生的文献. We will 通过阅读一些ag体育LGBTQI+未来可能的推测性文献来结束学期.

English 41: World Literature

World map illustrated with book cover

Meets In-Person: TBD

Instructor: Michael Langdon mlangdon@yn17car.com


What do people around the world have in common?  the human condition.  We all experience joys and hardships in life. We love, we aspire, we create, but we also suffer, we fail, and we destroy. In studying world literature, we explore and learn about other cultures, other times. However, while we cross cultures and time periods, we also find experiences we have in common. We discover 没有人是一座孤岛,在一个地方,在一种文化中发生的事情,很大程度上 affects the rest of the world. In this class we will read eye-opening works of literature from both classic and contemporary authors.

English 25: Asian American Literature

Meets In-Person: TBD

Instructor: TBD


Service Learning 85A/B

Gain hands on experience by volunteering! Help abandoned animals; serve meals to the community; work for the environment; do a project of your choice!

Schedule Note: TBA

Instructor: TBA