

The main objective of the 法律及公正会 is to educate members through exposure and hands on experience. This is done utilizing seminars, workshops, guest speakers, field trips and community service.


The 法律及公正会 works to recognize and promote scholarship among students engaged in preparation for careers in the law and justice system while providing a forum for keeping abreast of new developments in the field. The Club also provides opportunities for members to network with professionals in the areas of law enforcement, forensics, the legal system, probation, and corrections.




法律 & 正义俱乐部 会议 occur the second Thursday of each month from 12:00pm-1:00pm 在557房间. Please check back for any updated information regarding the Club and 会议. Feel free to email the Club at chabotlawandjustice@gmail.com with your club-related questions.


President, Corissa Donohoe


Vice President, Carolina Hernandez


Secretary, Kolton Scortt




Inter-Club Council (ICC) Representative, Mitchell Villa


 联系人: chabotlawandjustice@gmail.com

Officer Responsibilities



  • Day at the Alameda County Sheriff 's Department Police Academy

  • Tour of Santa Rita Jail

  • Tour of the Alameda County Sheriff 's Department - Criminalistics Laboratory and Coroner's 局

  • Prison Tours to California State Prison, San Quentin

  • Prison Tours to California 索拉诺州监狱

  • Trip to Contra Costa County Superior Court to meet with the Honorable Judge Lois Haight 和约翰·莱特纳

  • Multiple presentations by Federal Agent Laura Nielson, former Team Lead for the FBI-San Francisco Evidence Response Team (ERT)

  • Presentation by former California Attorney General Bill Lockyer

  • Presentation by Professor Kathleen Cleaver, former communications secretary for the 黑豹党

  • National Voter 登记 Day annual Democracy Preparedness Drill -"Stop, Drop & 注册”

  • Presentation by Steve Phillips, keynote speaker for the 法律 and Democracy Lecture series and author of "Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority"

  • Black History Month Film  Festival

  • Multiple workshops by Alameda County Sheriff 's Department on law enforcement recruitment, hiring practices, and the background investigations

  • Multiple presentations by Retired FBI Agent Charles Johnson and Retired Hercules Police Chief Fred  Deltorchio on Policing Reform, Community, and Ethical Leadership

  • Multiple Presentations by Lead Gang Investigator Officer Paul Medina of California 索拉诺州监狱

  • Multiple Presentations by Solano County Public Defender  Sal  Giambona

  • Multiple Presentations by Department of 首页land 安全 Federal Agent Jason Mackey

  • Multiple Presentations by mediation  expert Mattie Roberts

  • Presentation by Hayward Police Department Lieutenant Angela Averiett and Lieutenant 瑞安·卡佩尔

  • Presentation by Contra Costa County Sheriff Deputy Alex Zonio

  • Presentation by James O'Neal, Executive Director of Legal 外展,

  • Interactive shooter training with Hayward Police Department

  • Multiple presentations by the Alameda County Coroner's 局

  • Presentation by the UC Berkeley Restorative Justice Center

  • Multiple Presentations by former Alameda County Probation Officer Tamara Scott

  • Multiple Presentations by Union City Police Chief Darryl McAllister on The Fate and Fortune of Police- Community Trust

  • Participation in URBAN SHIELD

Supported the "Uncovering Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence: A Community Conversation"


The 法律及公正会 is committed to enhancing the experience of all students 在我们的节目中. Currently, the Club has more than 360 members and regularly accepts 新成员. The Club assists the Administration of Justice Department with organizing field-trips, guest speakers, workshops, and new programs and initiatives such as the Forensics initiative, Pathway to 法律 School, Paralegal Studies Certificate Program 实习计划.



To Learn More, Please Follow Us At

                                             instagram @ChabotCollegeADMJ  @Chabotcollegeadmj_studentclub

Twitter- ChabotCollege法律andJusticeClub