
应用ing to transfer to a university is often more than just completing a form. It is a package of materials that you submit to support your candidacy for their program. 的 application cycle can take as short as two weeks or as long as one year. 这是一个过程 that may require the reporting of your academic history, admissions essay, portfolio or supplemental application to specific programs and departments. 此外,你 are likely finding yourself applying for financial aid, scholarships, on-campus housing, 等.. 

Reference below for some resources to support your application to 基督教社会联盟, UC, 私人/其他州的机构 such as important dates, application workshops, application assistance, and library 资源指南,教程, 通用认证,和 秋季转移检查表 or 弹簧转移检查表  愿您顺利通过转学申请周期.



  • Fall 2024 (August/September 2024 Start Date): October 1, 2023 - November 30, 2023
  • Spring 2024 (January 2024 Start Date for semester system 基督教社会联盟 campuses or April 2024 for quarter system 基督教社会联盟 campuses): August 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023




  • 秋季2024 加州大学的标签: 2023年9月1日- 2023年9月30日
  • Fall 2024 Transfer Admission: October 1, 2023 - November 30, 2023
  • 冬季/春季2024年加州大学的标签: 2023年5月1日- 2023年5月31日
  • Winter/Spring 2024 Transfer Admission: July 1, 2023 - July 31, 2023




通识教育(基督教社会联盟 GE或IGETC)认证


通用认证 is a process by which “大学 identifies courses you have completed that meet the various areas 在 GE pattern and sends this certification to the 基督教社会联盟 or UC 你将就读的校园. When you transfer to the university with the 通用认证, you will not be held to the university’s lower-division general education requirements. Instead, you will be held to any missing areas 在 pattern and any remaining university 高年级通识教育要求.

A few notes for stuents following the IGETC pattern and transferring to UC:

  • For IGETC pattern, you can only have up to 2 courses missing 在 pattern to seek UC转学部分IGETC认证
  • IGETC领域6除英语以外的语言:
    • Many students meet this area via two years of the same foreign language at a U.S. 高中班级. If so, request your high school transcripts be sent to Chabot 大学招生 & 记录.
    • Some students attended school through the 9th grade outside of the United States, 可能已经见过这个区域了. 向转学中心辅导员或您的学生咨询 辅导员.
    • Some students may need to take a proficiency exam to meet this area of IGETC. 向转学中心辅导员或你的辅导员咨询.

Checking Your Progress 在 GE Pattern Before 申请GE认证

You can check 在 progress of completing a GE pattern by using the 如果 功能(查看教程,了解如何使用DegreeWorks):

  • 转移GE模式- 基督教社会联盟 GE宽度
  • 转移GE模式- IGETC为基督教社会联盟
  • 传输GE模式- IGETC为UC

If you see missing areas when viewing DegreeWorks, it is possible that your non-Chabot transcripts, AP scores, and/or high school transcripts are on file but hadn't been 在DegreeWorks正式发布. 

Verify 成绩单 and Scores on with Chabot 招生 and 记录

你可以通过你的 Class-网络 account to verify what and when transcripts from other colleges, high school(s), and AP成绩已经收到.  www.ChabotCollege.edu/Class网络

  • 登录到 类网络
  • 点击“学生服务”页签
  • 点击“学生记录”链接
  • Click “Check if High School/College 成绩单 Received” link.
  • If Chabot 招生 and 记录 has received the transcripts/scores, there will be 我们收到它的名字和日期.

When you DegreeWorks shows you are missing something on a GE pattern, Chabot 招生 and 记录 will look to see if your high school or college transcript(s) and/or AP scores are on file in order to mark it complete and issue the 通用认证.

通用认证 is DIFFERENT from the Certificate of Achievement in IGETC/基督教社会联盟 GE 宽度

的 Certificate of Achievement in IGETC or 基督教社会联盟 GE 宽度 is a certificate conferred by “大学 along with any other degrees and certificates the college offers 和赠款. 通用认证 is a worksheet the university needs to receive from the community college in order to hold students to the correct GE pattern after transferring 对那个机构来说.

To earn the Certificate of Achievement, students complete the 申请学位或证书表格. This along with any other Chabot degress or certificates you earn are posted onto 你的成绩单. Request degrees and certificate early in the semester you complete 课程的最后一堂课.

要申请GE认证,学生需要完成 General Education (基督教社会联盟 or IGETC) Certification Request Form. Request 通用认证 after you have said yes and paid any intent to enroll fees 去你打算去的大学. 这通常是几个星期 在你完成夏伯特学院的学业之后. 


Students who are following either the IGETC or 基督教社会联盟 GE pattern should apply for GE Certification with the 招生 and 记录 office the semester prior to transfer (你在Chabot的最后一个学期). 夏伯特学院向一所大学颁发一份证书 so make sure this is the university you will transfer to before making your 基督教社会联盟 GE 或IGETC认证请求.

As appropriate, please make sure official transcripts (such as those from other colleges or your high school) and/or AP scores are on file with the 招生 & 记录办公室 如果这些课程和分数是用来完成通用电气的.

Please also inquire with your university the email address to where the 通用认证 may be sent and enter this into the 通用认证 Request form so 招生 & 记录知道将此证明发送到哪里.

搜索标题为 通识教育证书申请查伯特大学招生 & 纪录及表格网页 申请您的GE认证.

问题? 联络转移顾问. 弗朗西斯·冯 ffon@yn17car.com